Ideas for Zurich
Making gardens under trees
Text and images by Barbara Sutter
My project was in effect help with the furtherance of something I already commenced 10 years ago, as I moved into an apartment which had trees along the pavement. Looking out of my window I could see empty tin cans, bottles and other rubbish including visits from dogs. My apartment doesn't have a balcony where I can grow flowers, as it is very small. I first started by planting up a large pot of flowers at our house entrance. Of course I would clear up the rubbish left under the trees, gradually I started planting flowers and improving the appearance. This gave me an added interest or hobby if you like. Being new in this part of the neighbourhood and a pensioner, I was happy to get into conversation with immediate neighbours and passersby, who commented how much better it looked. I made friends this way and it gave me an insight into the types of people living around me. Some elderly that can only walk small distances and often the same stretch. Some who can't see well, but remarked about being able to smell the flowers. It was already motivation enough to continue and invest gradually in the upkeep. Not only the older generations approved of my doings but very young children, students, families and tourists, speaking little German or English had comments and questions. It was 2 young men in the street who told me to enter this project and I was amazed to be successful and receive money to invest in it. I bought tools to do the job better, and or replace worn or broken things, like my hosepipe , which never lasts long, being an elastic lighter type which I find I can handle. Now I had the means to fertilise and spray existing rose bushes and plants. At first in Springtime I waited to see what had survived the Winter and then gradually added to them. I have three established areas under trees, and was ambitiously planning to plant further areas. Unfortunately road works taking months and months hindered sowing the seeds I bought in readiness to do this and I'm hoping now that I will be able to use them this Spring. I pruned all the rose bushes and fertilised them in February. Pinning in the branches with plastic or metal binding tapes. I have a GA, and throughout the year I travelled very much to Garden Centers bringing a few plants each time. I mostly invested in perennials. Replaced some which hadn't survived and often kept the look of the areas planted up with colourful annuals. Which of course are replaced after flowering. It was an exhausting Summer for me, I was very often watering twice per day during the drought and intensive heat, fighting to keep alive newly planted flowers. Otherwise, travelling further afield to get the better plants I hadn't been able to afford before. Many many people commented positively and showed their approval of this project. Some gaining enlightenment who had not heard of it but were happy it was getting a new lease of life. As Autumn approached and the very hot weather became more bearable, I realised I had some hopes for the areas that I hadn't been so far able to fulfil. The ground was very hard and I cannot dig very well having painful hands and tennis elbow . Also I couldn't carry the things I needed. By this time in the year, I saw that my budget would allow for me to pay for some help, if I was going to achieve my goals. Therefore, I used a more significant sum for a delivery and gardener to plant up some more rose bushes and annuals which I'm hoping will give pleasure long term and hopefully , bloom after I'm not around . Most definitely, benefited the insects, butterflies, birds and people. I benefited as I always have done, from a hobby which sometimes pushes me beyond my physical boundaries, but fills me with joy when I hear the remark "you make a difference". I never have done it with an ulterior motive but I love to see my area blooming and looking cared for, as I do all areas, where improvement rather than destruction is evident. Some of the budget remains.
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