Ideas for Zurich
Social Urbanism as an Everyday Practice // Sozial Urbanismus als Tägliche Praxis
- The purpose of this project draws on the combination of social awareness and our responsibility as community members to consciously connect to the histories and realities within the neighborhood, and acknowledge the effect it has on the collective development [of the neighborhood] as a whole. We acknowledge that policies and resources need to change, to adequately represent the people, in particular, young people of various backgrounds, who may lack adequate representation and access to resources to help enable their voices to be heard. It is for this reason that we, Kollektiv TAHA, wish to use our privilege and platform to act as a bridge, to not only connect, but merge the informal and formal bubbles that unconsciously form our realities in our day to day lives. This is what we define as “Social Urbanism”. Identify. Unite. Uplift. Engage. Celebrate. These words summarize the goals of our kollektiv work. We want to throw ourselves into the neighborhood in order to allow for the opportunity to connect with diverse people, in particularly the young people who occupy these spaces and are looking for an opportunity to do more and give back. For example: in order for young people to take up space in their neighborhood, we would help them organize a “walk” in which they walk us through their neighborhood and educate us (as a collective and interested public) about their environment through their own eyes, or an art exposition with the possibility of a skill exchange. We as a Kollektiv are surrounded by intersectional groups which share similar goals, and we are open to collaborating with these groups to mutually reach our goals together. In this way we hope to overlap our various ideas, and create a space in order to offer activities such as walks, workshops, performances and much more, which acts as an opportunity to connect with the young people who are located in our neighborhood and create a safe space and atmosphere to connect, and ask questions!
- What added value does your idea offer for the climate & the environment or children & young people?
- Through these practices we hope to raise awareness and consciousness about existing ideas, and topics of interest to be given space to and learn from the everyday life and perception of one another. This may be seen as a social component for sustainability development. Essentially, we would bring young people together who are willing to either show us around, or share experiences and/or skills while occupying space, and contributing to their neighborhood with their community.
- Accountability
- I will implement the project myself (optionally together with other individuals). In January 2022 I am already of age.
- Here you can voluntarily publish more information about you / your group.
- Angela Häuserfrau and Tina Asoh are both passionate about developing projects in public space concerning temporary use projects. Tina comes from a background of landscape architecture and urban development, in which she wishes to explore systems of urban segregation and exclusion. Angela comes from a background of spatial development and planning, and has experience in transforming urban spaces. Together, they desire to influence future policies to better represent young people and minorities.
- Where does your idea take place?
- As of now, we can imagine our idea taking place in the neighborhood of Wiedikon/Alstetten (8003), as we currently are occupying a temporary space for 6 months in which we are in proximity to other collectives which share our vision of social urbanism and collective community development.
- Does your idea (partially) take place on public space?
- Yes
- Timetable:
- In the next 3 months, we plan on experimenting with our current space and set up, and already engage in experimental walks and art galleries. In the next 6 months, we hope to use our results from our experiments in order to further tune and adjust our ideas to better suit and represent our community. From December 2021-December 2022, we would essentially plan (minimum) 10 walks/events/workshops, in which we would hire individuals to share their knowledge with us, and collectively we would organize opportunities for the young people in the community to get involved and learn from one another.
- Total requested budget (in CHF):
- 8800
- Budget breakdown
- In order to compensate people for their time and knowledge in leading the walks through out the city, we could imagine 10 individuals x 200 CHF with the possibility of a skill exchange workshop in which young people can learn from professionals, and vice versus. In total, 2000CHF. Rent for indoor spaces for gatherings, workshops, skill exchange opportunities, gallery showcasing, and more. Minimum 6 individuals x300CHF. (1,800CHF) Material costs, such as books to create a community library and offer free access to the required information, publication media, documentation media, such as short films and interviews with selected guests, approximately 2000CHF in total. Individual costs for Kollektiv TAHA, such as base salary for planning and execution of events over the span of the next 12 months. Approx. 1,500CHF each, 3000CHF in total. Summary: 8,800CHF.
- Remarks / Open Questions
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