Ideas for Zurich
Making spaces under trees into gardens
- I have been working on 'my idea' for the past 91/2 years. I started to make the area in front of where I live, on Dufourstrasse, under the trees, into gardens, 3 of them. I'm retired and love nature and I'm aware that insects, bees etc need as many areas to survive as we can give them. Not only do they benefit but over these years, I hear constantly how much my work and investment is appreciated. There are elderly people who have illnesses where they are unable to walk the streets but see me working and enjoy the flowers as the seasons pass. There are people who have poor eyesight, one lady told me how when she passes, she can smell the flowers. People tell me they walk this direction especially to enjoy what I am doing. For me moving into a new area and living alone as a senior citizen, it allowed me to hold conversations and make friends in the neighbourhood. I also had people ask me how to go about doing it for themselves, therefore I encouraged others to work on the areas where they live. It's not an easy project to do always, dogs and thoughtless people ruin, break and take away the blooms I wait so long to see. Sad as this is, the joy it brings to others is always in the foreground, and an inspiration to continue, as long as I'm able to do so.
- stadtidee.mehrwert.beschreibung
- I believe I already mentioned how much my flower patches are appreciated by many, many people. It has brought about a kind of community, and children as well as young teenagers stop and talk to me about me about the reason I devote so much time and money and care into providing a pavement garden. I have a home for insects, which draws children's notice and curiosity. Giving frequent water to the flowers also helps to nourish the trees, as well as the fertilizer and soil I add to the areas.
- stadtidee.verantwortlichkeit.titel
- stadtidee.verantwortlichkeit.option2
- stadtidee.gruppe.beschreibung
- I was born in UK, and married a Swiss 48 years ago. I'm now single and live alone. Having retired some years ago, my dream was always to have a garden. In previous homes I had a balcony and would grow my plants, but where I live in a small flat, there is no balcony. I decided instead of looking at the rubbish and picking up tin cans and bottles, I would turn the area under the trees into a garden for all. I have always bought everything to do with my project myself so far.
- stadtidee.wo.label
- Dufourstrasse 125, 8008 Zürich beneath 3 trees nearby
- stadtidee.oeffgrund.beschreibung
- stadtidee.oeffgrund.ja
- stadtidee.zeitplanung.label
- My project has already been in development over the past 91/2 years, financed by myself. I will continue to maintain these planted areas in the future as long as I'm able to.
- stadtidee.budget.label
- 5000
- stadtidee.budget.aufschluesslung.label
- Cost of plants cost of tools/spade, scissors, gloves, trowel, sequitur , sticks, binding wire, hosepipe, watering can , soil cost of fertilisers
- stadtidee.schluss.label
- I have already been buying everything for years which has been necessary to create my areas.
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This proposal has been accepted because:
We are pleased to allow this idea to be put to the vote! Voting will take place from October 25 to November 7, 2021 here on the platform.
In addition, we would like to give you the following feedback from the city administration:
«We would like to submit this idea to the vote. However, implementation is only possible in very close consultation with Grün Stadt Zürich and according to clear guidelines and framework conditions.»
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