Aussersihl district block
Participation in the conception
The documentation of the 1st forum event and the 2.
About this process
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Come in: More space for neighbourhood life is being created here
The area in Aussersihl is characterised by small cafés and bars, various culinary offerings, vibrant life and different residents and families. We appreciate the Aussersihl area for very different things. To ensure that we can continue to use these places in a variety of ways in the future, we are starting this area as a pilot project for "neighbourhood blocks". The aim of these is to create more space for neighbourhood life, to prevent creeping traffic, to promote pedestrian and bicycle traffic and to increase road safety, especially on the way to school.
What is a "neighbourhood block"?
"Neighbourhood blocks" comprise several neighbourhood streets and rows of houses. Suitable traffic measures, such as one-way streets or dead ends, will prevent through traffic. The access and departure of residents, employees, delivery traffic, emergency services as well as supply and disposal are guaranteed at all times. In order to upgrade the road space in a relatively short time, flexible elements such as benches, plant troughs and bicycle parking bars are available for the pilot phase. You can find more information about the "neighbourhood blocks" here: Neighbourhood blocks
Step by step towards the goal
The "neighbourhood blocks" are being created step by step. At forum events, residents and businesses in the neighbourhood can contribute their ideas, needs and concerns. Selective spatial and traffic adjustments are being examined and the variants for implementation are being coordinated with the local actors. This will be followed by the traffic and selective measures that will enhance the road space. Each "neighbourhood block" is developed according to the situation and together with the stakeholders.
We look forward to welcoming you to the forum events.
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