Über «Mitwirken an Zürichs Zukunft»
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Update: Automatische Sprachübersetzung
Since the beginning of July 2023, "Contributing to Zurich's Future" has had an automatic language translation. First of all, all new contributions are translated into English and, if they were English in the original, vice versa. For example, you can also read this blog article in German (original language) or English (automatically translated). The automatic translation is recognizable by a small banner in the title bar of the page.
Example of an auto-translated page.
How is it translated?
All newly saved terms are translated via an API with the Microsoft Translator. In doing so, the necessary data protection criteria are complied with.
Will other languages be added?
In the long term, other languages are to be translated automatically. First, however, the translator will be evaluated on the basis of initial findings in English and, if necessary, improved.
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