Klimaforum Zürich
Together Pioneer City Net Zero 2040!
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About this process
Welcome to the "Klimaforum" Zurich. The City of Zurich wants to be climate neutral by 2040. The Klimaforum integrates the most important stakeholder groups into the new climate strategy and ensures that they can voice their concerns.
Climate protection has a long tradition in the city of Zurich. The Roadmap 2000-Watt-Gesellschaft and the Masterplan Energie provide an overview.
The Klimaforum Zurich is a platform for dialogue and discussion around climate protection. It works both online and offline. On this platform you will find topics, measures and open questions that we would like to discuss with you. You can ask questions, make comments, place ideas and contribute to shaping future events. You will find a regularly available and dynamic platform. That is, your needs will help determine further dialogue.
In the first stage, the platform was operated by an external service provider. Now the City of Zurich itself operates the platform. The previous debates were transferred here and are marked with "Previous Dialogue Klimaforum". These debates can still be commented on. New dialogues will follow continously.