«Josefina» neighbourhood park in the Josef area
Developing together
About this process
Park development with the involvement of the population
With the completion of the energy centre, adjacent to Viaduktstrasse and Neue Hard, a new open space has been created for the quarter. Grün Stadt Zürich has converted the approximately 4000 square meters into a temporary green space and equipped it with seating. The temporary green space currently also serves as a municipal tree nursery. The provisional greening implemented in the summer of 2024 is a similar procedure to the square at Papierwerd-Areal / Mühlesteg in the city centre, which was also recently opened. Here, too, the City of Zurich uses sustainable planting systems with the possibility of reuse in the urban area.
From spring 2025, the temporary neighbourhood park will be further developed together with the population. Under the name Josefina and with the support of an interdisciplinary team of spatial developers and landscape architects, the district park will continue to change. There is a unique opportunity to discuss and try out different design requirements in the constantly changing environment. The area is expected to be used in a variety of ways until 2029.
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